Currently we have supported faculty/staff/students in a number of buildings both on and off campus.
On-campus locations:
- Ag and Life Sciences Building
- Ballard Extension Hall
- Bexell Hall
- Cordley Hall
- Crop Science Building
- Meat Lab
- Nash Hall
- Oak Creek Building
- Oldfield Animal Teaching Facility
- Snell Hall
- Strand-Ag Hall
- Weniger Hall
- West Greenhouses
- Wiegand Hall
- Withycombe Hall
Off-campus locations:
- Aquatic Toxicology Lab
- Dairy Center
- Eastern Oregon Agriculture and Natural Resources Academic Program
- Hops Research Lab
- Horse Barn
- Hyslop Farm
- Lewis Brown Farm
- Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture
- Oak Creek Watershed Research
- Poultry Center
- Sheep Center
- Smith Farm
- Vegetable Research Lab
- Woodhall Vineyard