Please note: We are only able to print posters Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Once your poster is completed save it as a PDF Document and place a COPY of it in:
S: \Posters_To_Plot
if necessary, follow these instructions to manually map the following network share:
Please send all requests for poster printing (this is for ROOTS faculty, staff, and graduate students) to If you are using Outlook, you can type in and select the contact from the global address list.
Please include the name of the file, the final print size of the poster, and your contact information in your email.
Please submit your poster well in advance of when you need it. We will not guarantee a one-day turnaround. Extra time is necessary in case prints need to be altered. Please plan to submit a minimum of 3 days in advance of the day needed. At the very least, please send an email to Roots Support a week or more in advance, to be sure someone will be available to plot your poster, and that the plotter is operational.
Quick Tips for Posters
- The plotter paper is on a roll that is either 42 or 36 inches wide, so one dimension of your poster should be one of those two sizes.
- The plotter will not print all of the way to the edge of the paper, so be sure to leave a margin between the edge of your paper and where you want the poster content to begin.
- A one inch margin is recommended.
- Save your finished poster as a PDF document so that embed fonts and images aren't lost.
Other Poster Printing Options
If you do need to go elsewhere, Printing and Mailing Services on campus can plot posters. Contact them for more information.
Students can plot a limited number of free posters at the Student Multimedia Presentation Center. Contact them for more information.
Also, the College of Forestry provides poster printing for a fee. Contact them for more information.